Real Estate Direct Mail Postcards

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Real estate professionals frequently face a critical dilemma regarding allocating resources to conventional real estate direct mail postcards or diving headfirst into digital marketing. 

Finding a definitive answer to this question is not a straightforward task. The decision between these two marketing approaches depends on variables such as your financial resources, intended audience, and marketing goals.

This comprehensive guide will examine the benefits of real estate postcards and digital marketing, helping you understand when and why to employ each strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate professional or a newcomer, read on to uncover which approach best fits your specific needs.

Understanding Digital Marketing in Real Estate

Digital marketing generally refers to two primary categories: display advertising and pay-per-click (PPC) search advertising.

Display Advertising

Display advertising encompasses platforms like Facebook and the Google Display Network. It involves creating visually appealing ads displayed on various websites to capture the attention of potential clients. 

Display ads can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness and reaching a broad audience. The following are critical aspects of display advertising.

Platform Diversity

Facebook and the Google Display Network are prominent players in display advertising. Facebook allows businesses to advertise within its social media ecosystem and allows for precise targeting based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors. 

The Google Display Network, on the other hand, extends the reach of ads to millions of websites across the internet through various formats such as banners, videos, and interactive media.

Visually Appealing Ads

Display advertising is all about aesthetics. Marketers create visually compelling ads, often incorporating images, videos, graphics, and animations to make their messages visually appealing. These elements are carefully designed to resonate with the target audience and leave a lasting impression.

Targeted Placement

Display ads can be strategically placed on websites and platforms the intended audience frequents. This precision targeting helps ensure that the ads reach individuals more likely to be interested in the products or services offered. Advertisers can choose specific websites and topics or retarget previous website visitors to maximize the impact of their campaigns.

Broad Audience Reach

One of the significant advantages of display advertising is its ability to reach a vast and diverse audience. 

Unlike search advertising, which relies on specific search queries, display ads have a broader reach. This makes them ideal for brand awareness campaigns, as they expose a brand to a wide range of potential customers.

Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is a primary objective of many display advertising campaigns. Consistent exposure to visually appealing ads on various websites reinforces a brand’s presence in the minds of consumers. Over time, this can increase trust and recognition, making customers more likely to purchase that brand.

Ad Formats 

Display advertising offers various ad formats, including static banners, dynamic rich media, video ads, and interactive ads. Advertisers can select the layout that best suits their campaign goals and target audience, allowing creativity and customization.

Performance Tracking

To gauge the effectiveness of display advertising, marketers rely on metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and impressions. These metrics help advertisers measure the impact of their campaigns, optimize their strategies, and allocate budgets more efficiently.


Display advertising also includes the powerful technique of retargeting or remarketing. It involves displaying ads to users who have previously visited a website but did not make a purchase. By reminding these potential customers about the product or service, retargeting can significantly improve conversion rates.

Display advertising is a multifaceted digital marketing strategy that utilizes visually appealing ads on platforms like Facebook and the Google Display Network. 

PPC Search Advertising

On the other hand, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) search advertising is a highly targeted digital marketing strategy that primarily revolves around platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising. 

It enables businesses to bid on specific keywords related to their industry, in this case, real estate, to have their ads prominently displayed at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). 

The following are key aspects of PPC search advertising within the context of the real estate industry.

Keyword Targeting

PPC search advertising relies on precise keyword selection. Real estate professionals can choose keywords and phrases relevant to their business, such as “homes for sale in [location],” “real estate agents in [city],” or “mortgage rates.” When users enter these keywords into a search engine, ads from advertisers who have bid on those terms may appear.

Ad Placement

Ads generated through PPC search advertising typically appear above or beside organic search results on search engine result pages (SERPs). This prime placement ensures high visibility to users seeking accurate real estate related information, services, or properties.

Bidding System

Advertisers participate in a competitive bidding process to secure ad placement. They specify the maximum amount they are willing to pay for a click on their ad when a user searches for a particular keyword. The higher the bid, the more likely their ad will be displayed for relevant searches.

Ad Relevance

Advertisers must create ads that are not only compelling but also highly relevant to the keywords they are targeting. This relevance improves the chances of attracting clicks from users interested in real estate, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Quality Score

Search engines like Google use a quality score system to evaluate the relevance and quality of ads and landing pages. A higher quality score can lower the cost per click (CPC) and improve ad rankings. This encourages advertisers to create well-structured and relevant campaigns.


For real estate professionals, location is crucial. PPC search advertising allows for precise geo-targeting, ensuring ads are displayed to users in specific geographic areas. This feature is invaluable for real estate agents and agencies serving particular neighborhoods, cities, or regions.

Measurable Results

PPC search advertising offers robust tracking and measurement capabilities. Advertisers can monitor key performance metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). This data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization of ad campaigns to maximize results.

Lead Generation

The real strength of PPC search advertising in the real estate industry lies in its ability to capture leads effectively. Since the ads are displayed to users actively searching for real estate related information, they are more likely to be genuine prospects interested in buying or selling properties, finding agents, or securing financing.

Budget Control

Advertisers have complete control over their advertising budgets. They can set daily or monthly spending limits, ensuring they stay within their financial constraints while still actively reaching their target audience.

As exemplified by platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising, PPC search advertising is a potent digital marketing tool for real estate professionals. 

By bidding on relevant keywords and creating compelling ads, real estate businesses can position themselves prominently in search engine results, connect with motivated potential clients, and efficiently generate leads. 

The ability to target users actively searching for real estate information makes PPC search advertising an essential component of any real estate marketing strategy.

The Simplicity and Cost-Efficiency of Real Estate Direct Mail Postcards

Let’s begin with real estate direct mail postcards, a traditional yet effective marketing tool that boasts simplicity and cost-efficiency. 

Postcards can be an excellent starting point if operating on a limited marketing budget.

Real estate postcards are a classic and enduring marketing tool that continues to prove its effectiveness in the digital age. 

These simple, tangible pieces of promotional material can be a valuable asset for real estate professionals, especially when budget constraints are a concern. 


Real estate postcards offer a straightforward and uncomplicated way to convey your message. They do not require special equipment or technical expertise to create or distribute. 

The clear and concise message makes it easy for recipients to understand your offer or promotion.


One of the most significant advantages of using postcards is their cost-effectiveness. 

Compared to other marketing strategies, such as digital advertising, postcards are relatively inexpensive to produce and mail. 

This affordability is particularly advantageous for real estate professionals with limited marketing budgets.


In an increasingly digital world, utilizing real estate direct mail postcards provide a tactile and physical connection with potential clients. 

Holding a postcard in their hands allows recipients to engage with the message in a more memorable and personal way than digital communications. 

This tangible aspect can make your marketing efforts stand out.

Targeted Messaging

Real estate postcards can be tailored to specific target audiences. 

Whether you’re reaching out to first-time homebuyers, property investors, or sellers in a particular neighborhood, you can customize your postcards’ content to address your audience’s unique needs and interests.

Local Focus 

Postcards are particularly effective for promoting local real estate listings and services. 

They can showcase properties in a specific area, share local market insights, or highlight your expertise in a particular neighborhood. This local focus resonates with potential clients looking for real estate services in their immediate vicinity.

Visual Impact

The design of your postcard is crucial in capturing the recipient’s attention. You or your team can create a visual impact that helps convey your offer’s value by including high-quality images of properties. Compelling visuals can pique interest and drive recipients to take action.

Call to Action

Real estate postcards can include a clear and compelling call to action (CTA). Whether it’s inviting recipients to visit your website, call for a free consultation, or attend an open house event, a well-crafted CTA encourages recipients to take the next step in their real estate journey.

Tracking and Analytics

While postcards may not offer the same level of data analytics as digital marketing, you can still track their effectiveness. Use unique phone numbers or website URLs on your postcards to measure response rates and gauge their impact on your business.


Consistency is vital in marketing. Real estate postcards allow you to maintain a regular presence in the mailbox of your target audience. Over time, this consistency can lead to increased brand recognition and trust.

Real estate postcards are a timeless and cost-effective marketing tool that offers simplicity, tangibility, and the ability to convey targeted messages. 

Postcards can provide a valuable means of reaching potential clients in a personal and memorable way. 

Integrating postcards into your marketing strategy can complement digital efforts and help you establish a solid local presence in the competitive real estate market.

Real Estate Postcards for Easy and Affordable Client Outreach

Creating and mailing postcards is a straightforward and accessible process. It is an attractive marketing option for real estate professionals who are just starting out or have years of experience in the field.

Design and Content

Creating a real estate postcard typically begins with designing the card’s layout and content. While you can enlist the services of a graphic designer for a polished look, many user-friendly online tools and templates are available. 

You can personalize the postcard with your branding, contact information, high-quality property images, and a compelling message.

Targeted Audience

Real estate postcards allow you to target your audience precisely. 

You can focus on specific neighborhoods, ZIP codes, or streets where you want to promote your services or showcase listings. 

This level of customization ensures that your postcards reach individuals who are more likely to have a genuine interest in your offerings.

Mailing Services

One option for mailing services is Every Door Direct Mailing (EDDM). Although this service does offer agents local area marketing with no mailing list, there are significant challenges for REALTORS using EDDM.

Companies such as Wise Pelican provide a similar mailing service, but with Wise Pelican, REALTORS gain control over the recipients of their postcards. This ensures that your postcards are delivered to the mailboxes of potential clients, resulting in a higher response rate compared to EDDM, which simply sends postcards to specific areas that may not necessarily benefit agents.

These services include addressing, stamping, and mailing your postcards directly to your target audience. While this service may have additional costs, it saves time and ensures that your postcards are delivered efficiently. 

Budget-Friendly Marketing

One of the primary benefits of using postcards for marketing is their cost-effectiveness. Postcards are a budget-friendly option compared to digital advertising. This affordability allows new agents, in particular, to establish a marketing presence without breaking the bank.

Quick Turnaround

Real estate postcards have a relatively quick turnaround time. Once they are designed and printed, they can be mailed out promptly. This is especially beneficial for time-sensitive promotions or responding to real-time market fluctuations and trends.

Accessibility for New Agents

Real estate postcards level the playing field for new agents entering the industry. They provide an accessible way to introduce themselves to potential clients in their chosen geographic area. New agents can quickly build a client base and establish credibility by effectively showcasing their services and local expertise.

Supplement to Digital Marketing

Postcards can complement a broader digital marketing strategy. For example, agents can use postcards to drive traffic to their websites or social media profiles, encouraging recipients to explore more about their services online. This integration creates a seamless marketing approach that maximizes exposure.

Measurable Results

While postcards may not offer the same level of analytics as digital marketing, you can still measure their effectiveness by tracking response rates. 

The simplicity and cost-effectiveness of creating and mailing real estate postcards make this marketing method accessible and valuable for new and experienced agents.

It offers a targeted and budget-friendly way to introduce your services to potential clients in your desired geographic area, allowing you to establish a local presence and steadily build your real estate business. 

Whether used as a standalone strategy or as part of a broader marketing plan, postcards can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

The Digital Marketing Investment

It is essential to acknowledge that digital marketing often requires a more significant financial investment than traditional methods like real estate postcards. 

Competitive CPC in Real Estate

Real estate keywords are among the most competitive in the digital advertising space. 

This high competition drives up the cost per click (CPC) significantly. When users search for terms like “homes for sale,” “real estate agents,” or “mortgage rates,” multiple advertisers vie for ad placements on Google Search, resulting in higher bid amounts to secure prominent positions.

Budget Allocation

To run an effective Google Search campaign in the real estate industry, you need to allocate a substantial portion of your marketing budget. 

This allocation should cover the CPC and account for the overall campaign strategy, including keyword research, ad creation, and ongoing optimization efforts.

Ongoing Costs

Unlike some other marketing strategies, digital advertising is ongoing. 

Because you pay for each click, your campaign budget must sustain this expense over time. For real estate agents, this means that you must be prepared for a continuous investment to maintain visibility and generate leads.

Keyword Selection

Careful keyword selection is crucial. While high-competition keywords come with a high CPC, long-tail keywords (more specific, lower-traffic keywords) can be a more cost-effective option. Effective keyword research helps identify opportunities to reach your target audience without overspending.

Quality Score

Google assigns a quality score to each ad based on factors like ad relevance, landing page quality, and click-through rate (CTR). A higher quality score can result in lower CPC, which can help you stretch your budget further. Therefore, optimizing your ads and landing pages is essential for cost control.

Ad Performance Monitoring

Monitoring your campaign’s performance is essential to ensure your budget is used efficiently. Regularly review critical metrics such as CTR, conversion rate, and ROI. This data lets you make informed decisions about adjusting your campaign strategy and budget allocation.

Competitive Strategy

Competing effectively in the digital space requires a well-thought-out strategy. This strategy may include targeting specific demographics, geographic areas, or niches to reduce competition and improve ROI.


While platforms like Google Search and Facebook ads offer tremendous reach, it’s essential not to put all your marketing budget into one channel. Diversifying your marketing efforts across various digital and traditional channels can help you reach a broader audience while managing costs more effectively.

Long-Term Investment

Recognize that digital marketing is a long-term investment, especially in a competitive industry like real estate. It may take time to see substantial returns, so patience and persistence are essential.

Digital marketing, including platforms like Google Search and Facebook ads, can be a highly effective way to promote real estate services. However, it requires a substantial financial commitment, especially when dealing with competitive CPCs in the real estate industry. 

Agents must carefully plan and allocate their budgets, conduct thorough keyword research, and continuously monitor and optimize their campaigns to achieve the desired results while managing costs effectively.

Leveraging Social Media for Real Estate Marketing

Social media platforms provide a captivating route for real estate agents to engage with potential clients. Considering that digital marketing includes various strategies, commencing your personal presence on social media is wise.

Posting on your Facebook page is a cost-free and straightforward way to engage with your audience. It allows you to showcase your expertise, share valuable content, and build your brand within your network.

Establishing and maintaining a strong presence on social media platforms is a compelling strategy for real estate agents to engage with potential clients and build their brand. 

Diverse Social Media Platforms

While Facebook is a popular choice for real estate agents, it’s essential to recognize that social media encompasses various platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even newer platforms that may emerge. 

Each platform has its unique user base and features. Choosing the right platforms to match your target audience is essential. For instance, Instagram is a highly visual platform, ideal for showcasing property photos and videos.

Content Variety

Social media allows you to diversify your content to engage your audience effectively. 

You can share a wide range of content, including property listings, real estate market updates, educational blog posts, video tours, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your daily work. This variety keeps your audience engaged and interested.

Community Building

Beyond showcasing your expertise, social media helps you foster a sense of community among your followers. You can encourage engagement by asking questions, conducting polls, and responding to comments. Building a rapport with your audience helps establish trust and credibility.

Paid Advertising

While organic posts on social media are cost-free, you can also explore paid advertising options to reach a wider audience. Social media platforms offer advertising tools that allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring your content gets the most relevant potential clients.

Consistency and Branding

Maintaining a consistent presence on social media is key to building your brand. Use a consistent tone of voice, visual style, and branding elements in your posts to create a recognizable and trustworthy image. Consistency reinforces your professionalism and reliability.


Social media enables real-time communication with your audience. Responding promptly to messages and comments demonstrates your commitment to customer service. You can also use live-streaming features to host virtual property tours, Q&A sessions, or educational webinars, fostering real-time engagement.

Analytics and Insights

Social media platforms provide analytics and insights to help you track the performance of your posts. You can analyze metrics like reach, engagement, click-through rates, and audience demographics to refine your content strategy and maximize its impact.

Compliance and Ethics

It’s essential to be aware of legal and ethical considerations when using social media in real estate. Ensure you adhere to fair housing laws, avoid misinformation, and maintain professionalism in all interactions.

Social media is continually evolving. Stay informed about emerging trends, features, and best practices in social media marketing. Being adaptable and willing to experiment with new techniques can give you a competitive edge.

Leveraging social media in your real estate marketing strategy is a powerful way to engage with potential clients, showcase your expertise, and build your brand. 

Each social media platform offers unique opportunities for reaching and connecting with your target audience. 

You can establish a solid online presence and enhance your credibility as a real estate professional by consistently sharing valuable content, fostering community, and staying attuned to the evolving landscape.

Generating High-Quality Leads with Real Estate Postcards

One of the significant advantages of real estate postcards is the quality of leads they generate. While it may take several months to see results, the leads you acquire through postcards are of high quality. 

Recipients have typically taken an active interest in the information you’ve provided.

In contrast, digital marketing can yield leads of varying quality. Facebook leads, for example, often provide quantity but may lack in quality. On the other hand, Google Search leads tend to be of higher quality but require a more substantial investment.

Direct mail, including postcards, enhances your credibility. It strengthens your brand, particularly among your sphere of influence and your target farming area. You elevate yourself as a professional real estate agent by consistently mailing postcards.

The quality of leads generated through real estate postcards is a significant advantage of this traditional marketing method. 

Active Interest 

Recipients of real estate postcards have typically shown an active interest in the information provided. 

Unlike some digital marketing leads that may be generated through passive exposure to ads, postcard recipients have taken a tangible step by engaging with the physical card. They may have examined property listings, noted your contact information, or even saved the card for future reference. This active engagement suggests a genuine interest in your services or properties.

Lead Nurturing

While it may take several months to see results from postcard campaigns, the leads you acquire are often more inclined to engage in a long-term relationship. 

Postcards create a lasting impression; recipients may reach out when they are ready to buy or sell a property. This allows you to nurture leads over time, gradually building trust and rapport.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Leads

Digital marketing, particularly on platforms like Facebook, can generate many leads due to their vast user base and targeting options. 

However, the quality of these leads can vary widely. 

Some may be genuinely interested in real estate services, while others may have clicked on an ad casually or without a strong intent to engage. 

In contrast, postcard leads, generated through more deliberate action, tend to have a higher level of qualitative interest.

Credibility and Brand Strengthening 

Real estate postcards enhance your credibility as a professional real estate agent. 

Consistently mailing postcards to your target farming area reinforces your brand identity. It conveys your commitment and reliability in recipients’ eyes, elevating your status as a trustworthy agent.


Real estate postcards allow for a personal touch that digital marketing sometimes lacks. 

You can address recipients by name, include personalized messages, and tailor the content to specific neighborhoods or property types. This personalization enhances the perceived value of the information you provide.

Multi-Channel Approach

Integrating postcards with digital marketing efforts can create a multi-channel approach that combines the strengths of both methods. 

For example, you can use postcards to drive traffic to your website or social media profiles, where you can further engage with and nurture leads.

Real estate postcards offer high-quality leads due to the active interest and engagement they elicit from recipients. 

While digital marketing can provide leads in quantity, postcards often excel in generating leads of superior quality who have a genuine interest in your services.

Scalability in Real Estate Postcards vs. Digital Marketing

Real estate postcards offer impressive scalability. Postcards can adapt to your requirements, whether your target audience is a few hundred homes or tens of thousands.

On the other hand, the scalability of digital marketing relies on variables such as your budget and the size of your market.

When it comes to targeting specific audiences, postcards have an edge. 

Mailing lists can be tailored to include property information and homeowner details, allowing precise targeting. In contrast, digital platforms often require broader targeting due to restrictions.

Real Estate Postcards & Digital Marketing

Ultimately, your decision between real estate postcards and digital marketing depends on your specific situation and goals. 

Ideally, a well-rounded approach incorporating both strategies can deliver the best outcomes. While digital marketing offers broad reach, real estate postcards bring simplicity, high-quality leads, and enhanced credibility.

Ready to supercharge your real estate marketing? Contact Wise Pelican today and unlock the power of customized real estate postcards. Reach your target audience with precision and watch your response rates climb.

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